As you probably already know, I am still based in Bucharest, Romania – my home country so I travel a lot in Europe due to the small amount of time that we have to spend on the plane, but also because Europe has some crazy beautiful destinations to visit.
These flights last between 1 hour (to Istanbul, for example) to 3,5-4,5 hours (to London/Madrid/Lisbon). Obviously, you won’t need as many items as a long flight would require.
So, let’s see what would my Carry-on surely contain for a Short Flight:
1. My Phone (which basically never leaves my side hahah) and my Earphones – They are perfect for enjoying your favorite music and relax till you get to your new destination, but also for noise canceling if you decide to have a good sleep and be fresh when you arrive;
PS: Don’t forget to prepare your playlist!
2. My cozy Blanket – Hmm, this sure is essential to me since I feel like I always freeze to death on flights. I have no idea why they turn on the AC on such low temperatures, but I hate how cold it can get. The thing is that on winter time, we tend to dress accordingly to the outside weather so it wouldn’t be such a problem, but this is equally valid on summer time when we wear light clothes. To be honest, last year, on a long flight I took the blanket they provided with me instead of being a good costumer and return it back. I now have a very light and easy to carry blanket with me all the time that sure keeps me warm on my numerous flights. (Please learn from my mistakes and never do that hahah).
P.S: A big scarf can also do the trick!
3. A pair of colorful and long Socks – As you can imagine, the reason is the same as with the blanket. I don’t want to be cold and especially not at my feet. And since fashion nowadays requires ankle pants, I do love my long socks when it comes to airplanes. Why colorful? Well, because I love bringing color to our life and I think a pair of banana or avocado socks will always cheer us up J
4. Soft Eye Mask – Whether we board a short or a long flight, my fiancé and I sure love to sleep. We sometimes don’t even manage to wait till the plane takes off and we are already asleep. Some will say we are very lucky (and we think that as well), but an eye mask will sure help since there can be so much light in the airplanes.
5. Water, water, water! – Since flying can get you dehydrated, it is very important to have liquids to drink. Whether you buy it from the airport (after passing through security where they will seize all recipients bigger than 100 ml containing liquids) or buy it on board, water is essential for your body. Many airports have a place where they provide drinking water after passing through security so having an empty plastic bottle to fill can be helpful.

6. Lip Balm and Hand Cream – The AC on the airplanes can be really annoying and your skin and lips can become so dry that it will bother you. A lip balm and a hand cream will always come in handy and will help you feel more comfortable and enjoy your flight.
7. Hand sanitizer and wet tissues – Since we were talking about hands, I always have a sanitizer in my bag because airplanes can be quite dirty, especially when we are referring to short flights where the crew doesn’t have the proper amount of time between flights. They just land, clear the passengers and clean after them in a hurry while the new set of passengers are read to board. Don’t forget: staying healthy is very important!
8. Nose Drops – You will probably find this strange, but especially on wintertime or when you have a cold, I totally recommend having nose drops with you so you can avoid pressure problems. When you cannot breathe normally, you can feel pressure into your ears or even pain. I had two awful experiences when having flu while flying and I take all precautions I can.
PS: Chewing gum can also help with that!
9. Ibuprofen pills – Staying on the same side, I recommend having some Ibuprofen pills with you because they can be really helpful in all sorts of situations. For example, pressure problems can cause ear pain or headaches and you will sure thank me later.
10. Neck pillow – You will probably wonder why I left this one at the end. Well not because it is not important or I do not use it, but because I tend not to carry a neck pillow just for a short flight. As you can guess already, neck pillow won’t miss from a long flight, but I wouldn’t say no to it on a short flight either.